Keep Customers Satisfied and Technicians Accountable
In a fast-paced environment, field service firms such as yours must concentrate on providing high-quality service at a rapid pace. Whether you need to locate the nearest technician to an urgent job, check time cards from yesterday, or plan long-term resource allocation, Mobile Control was created to streamline your field service operations.

Real-Time Solutions for Real-Time Problems
When your routine is changing by the hour, how you manage your operations in real time determines whether you have a successful day and long-term profit. The greatest indicator of customer happiness is how quickly you react and how well you fulfill your technician’s ETA promise. You must also be aware of main activities as they occur.
You are losing business because of poor response time
Our real-time mapping provides a clear view into vehicle location and status.
Put GeoFences around key customers and get real-time alerts when your drivers arrive or leave their locations.
Our Find Nearest feature helps you find the right technician so you can respond to urgent calls with confidence.
Real-time alerts like Late Start let you know when a technician is running behind so you can make an adjustment to save the schedule.
Mobile Control allows you to dispatch technicians from home, saving the time it takes to get to the office and be dispatched back out to the job.
Poor driving behavior is creating too much liability and costs
Stop poor driving before it’s too late with alerts on speeding, engine idling, towing and more.
Speeding Reports give you more context to prove or dispute a ticket, or create and enforce a speeding policy for your technicians on the road.
Review accident claims to validate what really happened with minute-by-minute location and speed information.
Accountability Creates Productivity
When technicians are accountable for their daily activity, they become more productive—it’s that simple. The challenge for any owner or operations manager is getting close enough to what really happened on the road and on the job to measure accountability.
You rely on paper time cards for payroll and billing
Reduce overtime by validating hours reported versus real activity.
Bill customers more accurately and resolve disputes easily with objective on-site time information.
Clean up the paper trail and keep accurate hours with Mobile Control. Our Travel & Stops report can audit or replace paper time cards with an accurate view of each stop made and time spent on the road in between.
Get the Big Picture with Little Effort
For owners and managers, the real value of vehicle tracking should be getting past daily activity to see the big picture of activity in the field and make strategic business decisions. Every solution offers a lot of data, but how do you turn that into something actionable?
Managers and executives need insight into the business, but can’t sacrifice days to get it
Our Control Center is uniquely designed to do the analysis for you, using a dashboard view of rankings, benchmarks and driver scorecards. Make major opportunities to improve your mobile workforce obvious.